
1. Ding Dongye, Xie Hongsen, Su Genli, Guo Jie, Jiang Dayong, Xu Zuming and Zhang Yueming. SiO2 glasses synthesized at 355455 and 2.05.5 GPa. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1999, 44: 12291232.

2. Gong Zizheng, Xie Hongsen, Liu Yonggang, Huo Hui, Jing Fuqian, Guo Jie and Xu Ji-an. High-pressure sound velocity of perovskite-enstatite and possible composition of Earth's lower mantle. Chinese Physics Letters, 1999, 16: 695697.

3. Li Heping, Xie Hongsen, Guo Jie, Zhang Yueming, Xu Zuming and Liu Congqiang. In-situ control of oxygen fugacity at high temperatures and high pressures. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 1999, 104: 2943929451.

4.  Liu Congqiang and Tang Hongfeng. Redistribution of rare-earth elements (REE) during metamorphism and its indicative significance for fluid processes: A study on the trace element composition of the Xingzi group metamorphic rocks in the Lushan area, SE China. Science in China (Series D), 1999, 42: 646654.

5. Zhu Maoxu, Xie Hongsen, Guo Jie, Zhang Yueming and Xu Zuming. Electrical conductivity measurement of serpentine at high temperature and pressure. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1999, 44: 19031907.

6. Zhu Weiguo, Xie Hongsen, Xu Ji-an, Hou Wei, Zhang Yueming and Guo Jie. Experimental studies on silicate structures of basaltic glasses quenched at 1650 and 13 GPa. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1999, 44: 461465.

7.  Li Heping, Xie Hongsen, Guo Jie, Zhang Yueming and Xu Zuming. In-situ control of oxygen fugacity in water-free high-pressure systems: Using C-O as an example. Progress in Natural Science, 1998, 8: 623628.

8. Li Heping, Xie Hongsen, Guo Jie, Zhang Yueming, Xu Zuming and Xu Ji-an. In-situ control of oxygen fugacity at high temperature and high pressure: A Ni-O system. Geophysical Research Letters, 1998, 25: 817820.

9. Li Heping, Xie Hongsen, Guo Jie, Zhang Yueming, Xu Zuming and Xu Ji-an. In-situ control of oxygen fugacity in water-free systems at high temperature and high pressure. Chinese Physics Letters, 1998, 15: 162164.

10. Li Heping, Xie Hongsen, Guo Jie, Zhang Yueming, Xu Zuming and Xu Ji-an. New technique to control in-situ oxygen fugacity in water-free high-pressure systems: Using Cu-O as an example. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1998, 43: 13531357.

11. Li Heping, Xie Hongsen, Zhang Yueming and Guo Jie. New technique to control oxygen fugacity in water-free high-pressure experimentation. Review of High Pressure Science and Technology, 1998, 7: 15231525.

12.  Tan Chengzhong, J. Arndt and Xie Hongsen. Optical properties of densified silica glasses, Physics B, 1998, 252: 2833.

13.  Xie Hongsen, Li Heping and Xu Ji-an. New technique to control oxygen fugacity in high-temperature/high-pressure experiments. Review of Scientific Instruments, 1998, 69: 517518.

14.  Xie Hongsen, Zhang Yueming and Xu Ji-an. Determination of ultrasonic wave velocities at high temperature and high pressure: A correction method. High Temperatures-High Pressures, 1998, 30: 439448.

15.  Xu Chunli, Zhi Xiachen and Xie Hongsen. Specific conductivity of dilute hydrochloric acid solutions at high temperature and high pressure. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1998, 43: 968968.

16.  Zhao Zhidan, Xie Hongsen, Zhou Wenge, Guo Jie, Zhang Yueming, Xu Zuming and Xu Ji-an. Compressional wave velocities in eclogites of the Dabieshan, Central China to 5.0 GPa: A preliminary result. Review of High Pressure Science and Technology, 1998, 7: 1214.

17.  Fan Qicheng, Liu Ruoxin, Xie Hongsen, Zhang Yueming, Xu Ping and Lin Zhuoran. Experimental study of spinel-garnet phase transition in upper mantle and its significance. Science in China (Series D), 1997, 40: 383389.

18.  Fan Qicheng, Ruoxin Liu, Xie Hongsen, Zhang Yueming and Lin Zhuoran. Ultrahigh-pressure (4.55.5 GPa) experimental research on pyroxene-garnet transition and its significance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1997, 42: 14561459.

19.  Gong W L, Wang L M, Ewing R C and Xie Hongsen. Interface-mediated amorphization coesite by 200 Kev electron irradiation. Journal of Applied Physics, 1997, 8: 25702574.

20.  Song Maoshuang, Xie Hongsen, Zhang Yueming, Hou Wei, Guo Jie and Xu Yousheng. P-wave velocities of alkaline olivine basalt at high pressure and temperature and its controlling factors. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1997, 42: 761764.

21.  Wang Ruju, Qin Zhicheng, Li Fengying and Xie Hongsen. Elastic behaviors of bulk metallic glass Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10.0Be22.5 investigated by using ultrasonic technique. Chinese Physics Letters, 1997, 14: 920923.

22.  Xie Hongsen, Zhang Yueming, Guo Jie, Xu Ji-an, Song Maoshuang, Xu Yousheng and Hou Wei. Some advancements in measurements of physical parameters of Earth’s material at high temperature and ultrahigh pressure. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1997, 41: 18071810.

23.  Xu Yousheng, Xie Hongsen, Guo Jie, Zheng Haifei, Zhang Yueming and Song Maoshuang. The conductivity of NaCl solution at 0.4~5.0 GPa and 25~500 , Science in China (Series D), 1997, 40: 398402.

24.  Yang Shufeng, Chen Hanlin, Jiang Jishuang, Zu Guoqiang, Xie Hongsen, Hou Wei and Zhang Yueming. Properties of wave velocity for two types of granitoids at high pressure and temperature and their geological meaning. Science in China (Series D), 1997, 40: 470476.

25.  Zhao Zhidan, Gao Shan, Luo Tingchuan, Zhang Benren and Xie Hongsen. Origin of the crustal low velocity layer of Qinling and North China: Evidence from compressional wave velocities in rocks at high PT conditions. Acta Geophysical Sinica, 1997, 40: 251259.

26.  Zheng Haifei, Xie Hongsen, Xu Yousheng, Song Maoshuang, Guo Jie and Zhang Yueming. Study on the electrical conductivity of 0.025 mol NaCl solution at 0.25~3.75 GPa and 20~370 . Acta Geological Sinica, 1997, 71: 273281.

27.  Zheng Haifei, Xie Hongsen, Xu Yousheng, Song Maoshuang, Guo Jie and Zhang Yueming. The electrical conductivity of H2O at 0.21~4.18 GPa and 20~350 . Chinese Science Bulletin, 1997, 42: 969976.

28.  Zheng Haifei, Xie Hongsen, Xu Yousheng, Song Maoshuang, Guo Jie and Zhang Yueming. Measurement of electrical conductivity of 0.001 mol NaCl solution under high pressure. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1997, 42: 15631565.

29.  Song Maoshuang, Xie Hongsen, Zhang Yueming, Xu Yousheng and Guo Jie. P-wave velocities of main upper mantle minerals at high temperature and high pressure and its geological implication. Science in China (Series D), 1996, 39: 93100.

30.  Song Maoshuang, Xie Hongsen, Zheng Haifei, Guo Jie, Xu Yousheng and Xu Zuming. Determination of serpentine dehydration temperature at 1~5 GPa by the method of electrical conductivity. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1996, 41: 18151819.

31.  Song Maoshuang, Xie Hongsen, Zheng Haifei, Guo Jie, Xu Yousheng and Xu Zuming. Dehydration temperature of serpentine at elevated temperature and pressure by electrical conductivity method and its implication. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 1996, 15: 159163.

32.  Xu Yousheng, Zheng Haifei, Xie Hongsen, Zhang Yueming, Xu Huigang and Guo Jie. High pressure differential thermal analysis of ice-wave equilibrium at 1.5~5.0 GPa. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 1996, 15: 153158.

33.  Zheng Haifei, Xie Hongsen, Xu Yousheng, Song Maoshuang, Zhang Yueming, Wang Mingzai and Xu Huigang. Experimental study of the influence of hydrous mineral on the melting behaviour of rocks at high temperature and pressure. Acta Geological Sinica, 1996, 9: 157167.

34.  龚自正谢鸿森霍卉经福谦郭捷和徐济安顽火辉石的高压声速和下地幔的可能组成科学通报, 1999, 44: 16621666.

35.  龚自正谢鸿森经福谦谭华和毕延高岭石的高温高压相图及其地学意义高压物理学报, 1999, 13: 103107.

36.  龚自正谢鸿森经福谦和谭华高岭石的Birch-Muranghan状态方程及高压物性高压物理学报, 1999, 13: 192198.

37.  李和平谢鸿森郭捷张月明许祖鸣和徐济安高温高压下氧逸度的就位控制自然科学进展, 1999, 8: 325335.

38.  李惠文王宁陈业材和田元江棕刚玉烟尘回收的环境意义及其矿物学研究岩石矿物学杂志, 1999, 18: 348356.

39.  刘建忠卢良兆谢鸿森和刘喜山贺兰山北段孔兹岩系脱水熔融实验研究II—岩石结构对变质反应的制约矿物学报, 1999, 19: 453458.

40.  刘建忠卢良兆谢鸿森和刘喜山孔兹岩系脱水熔融实验中水逸度氧逸度和氢逸度的确定及意义以贺兰山北段为例长春科技大学学报, 1999, 29: 1519.

41.  刘晓春曲玮谢鸿森张月明和郭捷大别山朱家冲斜长角闪岩~角闪榴辉岩~柯石英榴辉岩相转变实验研究地质学报, 1999, 73: 250262.

42.  唐红峰刘丛强周新民和徐夕生龙游角闪橄榄岩的富流体相岩浆成因矿物化学和微量元素地球化学制约矿物学报, 1999, 19: 308314.

43.  唐红峰海南岛晨星玄武岩地球化学特征及其构造环境含义大地构造与成矿学, 1999, 23: 323327.

44.  王宁陶红和李博文无机抗菌剂的研究应用现状与矿物材料开发矿物岩石地球化学通报, 1999, 18: 6165.

45.  赵志丹高山张宏飞骆庭川和谢鸿森华北地台太行五台和阴山地块地壳物质组成岩石地震波速实验证据地球科学中国地质大学学报, 1999, 24: 256260.

46.  朱茂旭谢鸿森郭捷张月明和许祖鸣高温高压下蛇纹石电导率实验研究科学通报, 1999, 44: 11981202.

47.  朱茂旭和谢鸿森大陆中、下地壳电学特征实验研究地质科技情报, 1999, 18: 97102.

48.  朱卫国谢鸿森侯渭张月明和郭捷高温高压下玄武岩淬火玻璃的折光率研究矿物学报, 1999, 19: 2327.

49.  丁东业谢鸿森苏根利张月明郭捷降大勇和许祖鸣. 2.05.5 GPa压力下合成的SiO2玻璃高压物理学报, 1998, 12: 212217.

50.  李和平何绍勋谢鸿森张振儒和彭恩生地壳浅部导电性矿物的一种新的压溶机制应力原电池过程矿物学报, 1998, 18: 8083.

51.  李和平谢鸿森郭捷张月明许祖鸣和徐济安高温高压下氧逸度的就位测量与控制高压物理学报, 1998, 13: 97102.

52.  李和平谢鸿森郭捷张月明和许祖鸣高温高压下干样品体系中氧逸度就位控制的新方法CuO体系为例科学通报, 1998, 43: 988991.

53.  刘建忠卢良兆谢鸿森和刘喜山贺兰山北段孔兹岩系脱水熔融实验研究临界熔化比例的确定和意义地质科学, 1998, 33: 447454.

54.  孙宗琦徐济安和谢鸿森静态超高压大腔体中热流的计算机模拟 (计算结果和分析物理学报, 1998, 47: 938944.

55.  王筑明谢鸿森郭捷和徐济安高压下Grüneisen参数的实验测量高压物理学报. 1998, 12: 5459.

56.  谢鸿森周文戈赵志丹李玉文郭捷许祖鸣和徐济安高温高压条件下岩石弹性波速测量地学前缘, 1998, 5: 329337.

57.  许春丽支霞臣和谢鸿森高温高压下稀盐酸溶液电导率的测定科学通报, 1998, 43: 111112.

58.  郑海飞谢鸿森和郭捷微量元素比值研究岩浆源区成分的可靠性玄武岩熔融实验研究矿物学报, 1998, 18: 541545.

59.  朱茂旭和谢鸿森地球深部物质电学性质实验研究地球科学进展, 1998, 13: 438446.

60.  朱卫国谢鸿森徐济安侯渭张月明郭捷和许祖鸣. 1650 °C1~3 GPa下玄武岩熔体结构的实验研究科学通报, 1998, 43: 15511556.

61.  樊祺诚刘若新谢鸿森张月明徐平和林卓然上地幔尖晶石~石榴石相转变实验研究及其意义中国科学(D), 1997, 27: 109114.

62.  侯渭和谢鸿森地球壳幔的初期演化试论熔融冲击成坑和早期水岩相互作用的意义地球科学进展, 1997, 12: 180187.

63.  孙宗琦徐济安和谢鸿森静态超高压大腔体中热流的计算机模拟(I)基本方程和数值求解方法物理学报, 1997, 46: 19381945.

64.  王宁和大谷朝男抗菌力を有する银/酸化マンガン担持脱臭性活性碳素纤维の研制と性质日本臭气の研究, 1997, 6: 339430.

65. 王先彬李春园陈践发郭占谦和谢鸿森非生物成因天然气科学通报, 1997, 42: 12331241.

66.  谢鸿森和侯渭地球深部科学中的静态超高压实验研究科学通报, 1997, 42: 785791.

67.  徐有生谢鸿森郭捷郑海飞张月明和宋茂双. 0.4~5.0 GPa和室温~500 NaCl溶液的电导率中国科学(D), 1997, 27: 133136.

68.  杨树锋陈汉林姜继双竺国强谢鸿森侯渭张月明和徐惠刚高温高压下华南I型和S型花岗岩的波速特征及其地质意义中国科学 (D), 1997, 27: 3338.

69.  郑海飞谢鸿森徐有生宋茂双郭捷和张月明. 0.001 mol NaCl溶液的高压电导率测定科学通报, 1997, 42: 15451547.

70.  郑海飞谢鸿森徐有生宋茂双郭捷和张月明. 0.25~3.75 GPa  20~370条件下0.025 mol NaCl溶液电导率研究地质学报, 1997, 71: 274280.

71.  樊祺诚刘若新谢鸿森张月明和林卓然辉石石榴石相变超高压实验研究及其意义科学通报, 1996, 41: 18711874.

72.  侯渭欧阳自远谢鸿森和胡桂兴太阳星云凝聚过程的岩石学模型: (I)球粒陨石的成因岩石学报, 1996, 12: 115126.

73.  侯渭欧阳自远谢鸿森和胡桂兴太阳星云凝聚过程的岩石学模型: (II)非球陨石, C1陨石及类C1陨石的凝聚成因和小行星区星云凝聚作用岩石学报, 1996, 12: 462470.

74.  侯渭欧阳自远谢鸿森和胡桂兴太阳星云凝聚过程的岩石学模型: (III)类地行星区星云凝聚作用和地球原始成分的估算岩石学报, 1996, 12: 471477.

75.  侯渭和谢鸿森关于地核和核幔边界区物质的成分及运动特征的研究进展地球科学进展, 1996, 11: 204208.

76.  侯渭和谢鸿森试论地球演化历史中水的总体行为地球科学进展, 1996, 11: 350355.

77.  宋茂双谢鸿森张月明和侯渭高温高压下碱性橄榄玄武岩的P波速度及其影响因素科学通报, 1996, 41: 16921694.

78.  宋茂双谢鸿森郑海飞郭捷徐有生和许祖呜. 1~5 GPa压力下蛇纹石脱水反应温度的确定电导率方法科学通报, 1996, 41: 430433.

79.  宋茂双谢鸿森郑海飞徐有生郭捷许祖呜张月明和徐惠刚高温高压下主要上地幔矿物的波速测量及地质意义中国科学(D), 1996, 26: 173178.

80. 陶于祥欧阳自远和谢鸿森长乐南澳变形变质带地球化学特征地质论评, 1996, 42: 223231.

81.  徐有生谢鸿森张月明徐济安宋茂双和许祖呜铝在校正高压下物质弹性波速测量上的应用高压物理学报, 1996, 10: 145150.

82.  赵志丹高山骆庭川张本仁和谢鸿森秦岭和华北地区地壳低速层的成因探讨岩石高温高压波速实验证据地球物理学报, 1996, 39: 642652.

83.  郑海飞谢鸿森徐有生宋茂双张月明徐惠刚和王明再钠质与钾质中酸性岩浆的成因玄武岩质的高压熔融实验研究矿物学报, 1996, 16: 109117.

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